Monday, July 27, 2009

The First Open House and Backpack

Last week I received a piece of mail that had me in tears in seconds. I can see some of you rolling your eyes now. I know that doesn't take much, it could be so many things. A sweet thank you note, a sale at Ann Taylor Loft, my text message fees on the cell phone bill. But it wasn't any of these. It was an invitation to Open House at Christ Harbor Preschool on August 9th. OPEN HOUSE. PRESCHOOL. Oh Noah. Where as the time gone??? Yesterday you were this:
Now all the sudden you are toting one of these:

And learning your ABC's?? It is crazy how time flies. At least I wasn't alone. J my neighbor and B's mom got the same invitation and had the same reaction. It is official. Noah and B are getting big! They will actually be in preschool from 8-12. Learning things! I am excited about that part. But also a little sad.
Of course B and Noah have to have backpacks to go to school. As well as lunch boxes and nap mats. And we want these things to match. (Not B and Noah, but the three preschool necessities). So after interviewing many sources and listening to many opinions.( I really wanted to get the cute Alligator backpack from Pottery Barn Kids, I've staring at it for a month. But I had to be true to Noah's personality :) and what he loves. And that is trucks. Or gucks as he calls them.) Noah has his made selections and is ready for Open House and the start of school! I think B is still weighing her options.
Soon I'll show you a picture of him sporting his new backpack. It is adorable. He loves it. I think he thinks its a rescue pak like Diego. He certainly thinks that it always contains juice and bus!


danajk said...

I know just how you feel! I cannot even mention the word kindergarten without choking up. I cried on the way to Jessa and Spencer's preschool open houses and all the way home on their first days. So proud and so sad all at the same time.

Spencer had the Stephen Joseph quilted train Backpack for a while. Also, check out
They are pricey, but they have awesome covers for nap mats. My mom ordered them 2 years ago for my kiddos as a back to school gift, since they are a little extravagant. BUT they are way more comfy than the vinyl mat! Or at the very least, body pillow and some king size pillow cases will fit over the mat to make them softer. And you can take them off to wash, so they are also cleaner. Good luck! I am so proud of Noah AND his Momma!

Laura said...

Look out preschool here he comes! Precious gucks backpack!

Emily Chappell said...

My little friend Ethan has that backpack!! It has served him well to hold all the caaaaaahhs (cars).

Kerri said...

Okay, so O's only 6 months old and I am boohooing at this post. Great.