Today fabulous Aunt Robin took us to the Fort Worth Zoo. Now y'all know how I feel about the zoo... I love it!! This zoo was AMAZING!!! It was beautiful, shady, huge habitats, active plentiful animals, fantastic
children's play area. I might move here to go to the zoo! And... get ready... they had SIX elephants.... and
PENGUINS! My two favorites! I was as close to heaven as you get here on earth. I barely even complained about the 102 degree heat. It was that great of a zoo! I couldn't chose from my
plethora of pictures... I did narrow it down to about thirty.

Noah loved the too! I loved using Aunt Robin and Uncle Chris' s camera to take great pictures of little man.

A baby Longhorn at the kid's petting zoo.

Noah and Daddy enjoying the petting zoo.

The Children's Zoo is designed to look like a Texas town. Its adorable and full of details!


Adam, Noah, and Robin enjoying the lions.

Look Daddy, Giraffes!

Looking at the animals in the shade.

Lioness keeping cool.

Z is for Zebra.

Ariel view of a large Rhino! !


Classic Noah and Daddy pic.

Spots! They had so many giraffes and they were moving around and showing off!

When he first saw the giraffes! He loves them!

Cute baby giraffe!

Big turtles! When he saw the turtles, he said, Nana? Nana? Last time Noah was at Nana's house she has had her class turtles home for the summer. He scrunches up his little faces to say "turtles". It is probably the cutest thing ever.

So sweet!


Look, Noah!

We had so much fun today! Thank you Aunt Robin for a great day and sweatin' it out with us.
Three new posts below!
WE LOVE THE ZOO, too! SO fun!
Turtles!! I love that face. Have fun Noah! Love, Nana
I LOVE the Fort Worth Zoo!! Well, I love Fort Worth period, but especially the zoo. It's one of my fav's for sure! My parents lived in a cute neighborhood about a mile from the zoo. Makes me miss Ft. Worth, but I do love them living around the corner :)
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