Friday, June 26, 2009

The Fort Worth Stockyard

Adam is on a two week vacation! I am thrilled to have him by my side for two uninterrupted weeks. Our first week of vacation we have come to Dallas/Ft. Worth to visit with Aunt Robin and Uncle Chris. We had planned to drive but we received some airline vouchers courtesy the extreme kindness of Mimi and Papa whose vision of a ten hour drive with eighteen month old matched mine but not Adam who was blindly hopeful it would be a great drive. So we flew in on Wednesday afternoon. Noah did extremely well on the plane and only caused the guy in front of to down three beers in the hour and half flight. Then we were here!

Yesterday we were authentic Ft. Worth and went downtown to the stockyards to see the cattle drive. The Historic Chisholm Trail ended in Ft. Worth back in the days of the Wild West and to mark that cattle tradition everyday at 11:30 and 4:00 the drive the longhorn cattle down the street. I loved it and so did Noah! We ate lunch at Texas BBQ joint and did some souvenir shopping.
Adam trying on Western Wear!
Noah eating at Risky's BBQ
Posing by Big Jake
The Cattle Drive
Noah, Spots, and Bus watching the cattle drive.
Noah not wanting to sit on Big Jake the Texas Longhorn.
Texas Longhorns!


Anonymous said...

So now everyone's been to the cattle drive but us. Maybe next time we're both in TX we can go.
Noah did not like getting on the cow. Wow! You'll have to show him that when he's a teenager, he won't believe it. Most teenagers do not see the danger!! You have many more years before you have to worry about that! :) Keep cool! Love, Nana

Beth Goff said...

Love it! I look TJ there the week we got engaged and then we lived about 4 miles from there for 2 years... Just love it! Noah is precious!!!! I am SO sorry about your camera.