Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Saturday

I told my mom today that I feel like I have two lives. The me at work, who is more desperate than the kids for the school year to come to a close and the me at home. I love being at home playing with Noah, spending time with my neighbors who are becoming more like old friends, cooking for Adam, redecorating in my head, and spending time outside. Noah adores being outside. ADORES IT. Our backyard is not kid friendly. We are in a low lying area with unplanned drainage issues. So out backyard looks like this.
Muddy. Everywhere. Impossible to grow anything in the ground without drowning it. So this weekend we called in reinforcements. Our wonderful parents came to help us reclaim parts of our yard. My hope is to make it a relaxing oasis where Adam and I can escape to and where Noah and Charlie can play without us worrying about them being sucked into a mudpit or arguing over who will have to give them a scrub down. So Adam and our dads built up a bed along the house where the biggest mud pit used to be while our mothers and I made potted gardens.

I could not be more pleased with the results. Everything came out much better than expected. We are a wooden sandbox, umbrella, and hammock away from a little piece of heaven right here in Northport. Please come and relax with us. We would love to have you! And thank you again to our parents. We would have quit on this project thirty minutes into it without your guidance, labor and patience. We love the four of you so much. We are so grateful for your help.


danajk said...

It looks great! David and I LOVE a nice backyard to cook on the grill and let the kiddos play without fear of the street!

Kerri said...

This is great! Congratulations!!