So it's the week of prom. The kids are excited and when you walk down the hall you hear the buzz about hair do's nail appointments and such. I've heard, "Our shirt is the cutest anywhere!" Which makes me feel good. I am surprisingly enjoying the excitement of the week as well. There have been some bumps and stress but I can feel the prayers around me steering me through the week.
Like the ficus trees....
Imagine opening the doors to a ballroom and seeing a beautiful gate that leads down a path lined with twinkle light wrapped trees and ends with 16 foot tall Eiffel Tower. On your left is a Parisian Cafe. On your right is a gated dance floor. Perfect setting for the Midnight in Paris themed prom. Central to this is the lined street with trees. Ficus trees. Bryant has a great environmental club, EarthNerds, who volunteered to purchase trees for the school which they would lend to us. Due to miscommunication I thought these trees were all taken care of a month ago. But on Monday I discovered this was definitely not the case. I tried not to panic as a frantically searched our local nurseries for ficus trees. Tuesday morning I woke up and was praying about all the things going on. And a coworker popped into my head. She had offered me help in exchange for not chaperoning Saturday night because she had other stuff going on. She has a talent of making things happen. She took to the assignment with passion and excitement. By noon she had not only found trees, pots, moss, she had paid for them and arranged to have them taken to and from prom! God is so good!
So excited for you that it is finally prom week! I am sure it will be the best prom ever and I know you will be thrilled to have this added stress behind you! praying for you!
I can just picture the trees all lit up and the effiel tower at the end of the street...........the little cafe' and Adam sitting there under the twinkling romantic....oh wait!! We're not actually talking Paris...but P-r-o-m. i know it will be beautiful Carrie.
I cannot wait to hear all about it - and I'd love a few pictures, too!
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