Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Easter Post

I really enjoyed our sermon this morning. It made nostalgic for my church growing up. Our guest pastor talked about how much we celebrate Christmas and miss the importance of the resurrection and how it is the crux of our faith and without Christmas doesn't mean much. Growing up Episcopal I remember a big deal being made out of Easter. Lent was a preparation and Holy Week services were important. I still remember having my feet washed as a little girl. I really missed the Holy Week liturgy this week. Combined with our message on I Corinthians 15 and some awesome passion filled praise from the choir, I reflected tearfully on the gifts Christ has given me:
An amazing husband whose unconditional love puts me to shame
A beautiful healthy happy son whose joy for life keeps me going
Supportive family and friends

But none of these are as great as the greatest thing He gave me, not his death on the cross but his defeat of death to bring me LIFE.


I am ashamed that so much of my time is wasted wishing for time to pass faster. If I could just make it through the week.... If I can get to summer..... In a couple of years.... His death and resurrection gave me life, not to waste but to live. His suffering was to give me freedom to live, work, love, laugh. What a shame that I don't take advantage of this life and use it to serve Him, love Him, enjoy Him, praise Him more and more. Instead of focusing on my inadequacies and the things I'll never accomplish or the things I desire yet cannot have, I should focus on the gifts He has granted me, the opportunities He presents to me, and the doors opened to share His freedom and love with others.

May we each live life abundantly!

1 comment:

McClure Family said...

yall are such a sweet family!!