First I'd like to give a big thank you to Ms. Bryd. She was the prom sponsor for my senior prom. I was on her committee and I don't remember doing much. Now I know exactly what she did.This is more stressful than planning a wedding. There is no emotional significance on my part to make me sentimental or nostalgic and my guests are teenagers who come with angst and legal entanglements. And the thousands of dollars I'm spending isn't mine and it isn't attached to a check book but perfectly timed purchase orders that stores don't take. At least I won't be posing for photographers, my stressed out skin isn't the stuff memories are made of.
So despite that I am not in my right mind, I was really looking forward to this past weekend. Noah was going to his first Easter Egg Hunt and John Henry's 2nd birthday party. The day was to be a brief blissful escape from hundreds of prom forms and the spreadsheet I enter them into and the papers, test and projects to be graded(grades were due this morning and its been a couple weeks since I have logged into my gradebook). Noah had so much fun at the Egg Hunt. It was so much fun to see him and the other kids and visit with our friends. It is crazy to think that our class four years ago had one pregnant couple and now there are 18 children among us. We make up most of the preschool department!

After fun and fellowship we got into the car to drive to Cullman for JH's chocolate bunny party. I was so excited to get to visit with my friends and see Megan's awesome party planning and hostess skills. We got to Cullman no one was there, just two cars in the driveway. I thought we were lost or something. But no, JH's party wasn't Saturday it was Sunday. I had stared at that invitation for a week. And had convinced myself it was the 4th. I am embarrassed and I have lost my mind! My sweet patient husband and son! My mind was only thinking of the t-shirt order, presentation in the faculty meeting on collaborative teaching, my methods student teaching her lesson Monday, grades being due Tuesday, money in the safe to receipt, Special Ed meetings. Is it Spring Break yet??
To cheer me up and turn the afternoon around we had a picnic dinner at Homewood Park with Mimi, Papa, and Charlie. 

Now that grades are in the computer and the crazy Monday is behind me, I feel better. We had productive prom meeting this afternoon and I am thinking I might just make it through the next three days and get to enjoy Spring Break!
1 comment:
so cute! glad y'all had fun at the easter egg hunt and the park! are not as crazy as you think!!! :)
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