I know I have already posted a million things today but I wanted to make sure I recorded for my own memory all cute things Noah is doing right now. He is such a delight. No matter how crazy and stressful my week has been a weekend with Noah is the cure. It has been amazing to see his little personality just pop out. Everyday he is doing more and more. His understanding and expressions is growing everyday.I started talking at nine months (imagine me as a talker ;) ) so I have been worried about Noah's language development. Well not worried just impatient I guess. I want to talk to him. I guess we talk, I just want to be able to understand what all his gibberish means. Just this weekend he added "ball" and "bye bye"to his verbal vocabulary. He will stick out his tongue if you ask him too, Daddy taught him that trick. He also has finally picked up on one of my sign language attempts, "All Done". He was doing this at the dinner table for a few months. Now he tells us he is all done all the time. Tonight in the bathtub he told me he was all done. And again at the end of stories and breathing treatments, I was just rocking him and he turned to me and shook his hands to say, "all done". He wanted to go to bed. When you ask him if he wants to go "night night" and he is ready he will laugh. In his Very Busy Spider Book there is a part where the spider is blown across a field, and I make a blowing noise. Tonight he did the blowing noise before me. His vocabulary of words and tricks seem to be growing by the minute! Of course he won't really do any of this on command. It is all on his own terms. He is going to be a bit stubborn I think. Here is a video where I was trying to get some words. He had found all three spots where I was about to throw them in the wash. Unfortunately he gets distracted by the Goldberg commercial in the background. They do have a catchy jingle. I've had their number memorized since I was ten.
haha! too cute!! is that outfit he's wearing one that we sent? cause micah has the same one . . and a blue one! i'm guessing it was one from the twins?
micah still hasn't said "ball" or "uh-oh" he says "uh" lol . . . no "oh" yet. :) but the other day i about died when he snuck up behind me and went "boo!" hahaha
awww I love it! I can tell you are such a sweet mommy!!! He is so cute!
Call Goldberg...800-600-6014...
Time to work on saying "PaPa" and "MiMi"...and don't forget "NaNa and Puddin"............could be lucrative,Noah!!!!
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