When you dream of having a baby and all of the milestones they will have walking is near the top of the list. You imagine it to be this magical moment. The first steps. I surprised at what a process it was. Noah began standing on his own around Thanksgiving. It wasn't until Christmas Day that he took his first real steps. And the past few weeks he has been putting steps together between pieces of furniture. But now I think we can call him a walker. He is everywhere. He does laps around the house. And he is quite proud of his accomplishment. A couple of months ago Adam and I were talking about when a baby becomes a toddler. Adam decided it was when they begin walking. I guess Noah isn't my little baby anymore.
that is hilarious... I would submit that based on observation your child might be an excellent multi tasker... he is already drinking and walking! - he aint skeered!
YAY NOAH!!!! Micah's making laps around the house, too! But for some reason he doesn't get so many kicks from it. I think he already thinks D & I make a big deal out of nothing! lol. Like, "Mom, this is just what I'm supposed to be doing . . why are you clapping and cheering?!"
Noah is a performer. Anything for a laugh and cheer! And if you don't react he will himself. He was flirting with a table of girls at lunch today. He had them going. He was pulling out all the tricks :)
Very cute! These little boys are growing up too fast. In the pictures Noah definitely looks like a big boy! The baby look is going away. :o(
I can't believe what a change in 7 days! He is so cute!! I love how excited he is to be walking! Mike loved the jump he did to reach his cup, stand up and keep walking. Life is a changing, this is good. We love you Noah! Yeah Noah! Love, Nana and Puddin.
It is amazing how long it takes for them to walk, and then how short it takes them to put it all together. If that makes sense. I didn't want to say he was walking until he actualy walked to get places, instead of just putting one foot in front of the other for a five or so steps. After about a month of stepping, he just started walking everywhere about Thursday, and, in fact, chose to walk over crawling unless he wanted to get there in a hurry. The haircut he got Saturday along with his clothes in the video makes him look like a little boy, and not a baby.
Too, too cute! I am so thankful for video recorders that help us share these big milestones...and all the little ones in between! Thanks for the lift in the middle of my Monday! I love the haircut too. It does make him look like a big boy thought!
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