Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Love Story

Guess What? Jesus loves me more than Edward loves Bella. I know some of you are rolling your eyes right now because I am talking about those books again. But I am serious about the love story I am writing about. I know so many women who love the Twilight Series and hundreds of girls around the school carrying them around and reading them during my interesting class on WWII Battles. Why all the attraction? Why do most women love romantic comedies and cry at weddings and gush over proposal stories? Because we are made to love and be loved! There is a verse in Psalms that says, "One thing you have spoken O Lord and two things I have heard. That you O Lord and loving and that you are strong." This verse has always meant a lot to me. It speaks to the nature of God and the image we are made in. I believe God designed women to be loving and he designed men to be strong. Not that women can't be strong, I certainly know hundreds who are. And not that men can't be loving, because I also know many that are. God made men and women to partner each other, to complete each other. To be strong and loving together. And women crave this love. We look for it our entire lifetime. And if God plans include a husband for us it is partially fulfilled. Within marriage we are loved by our husbands as Christ loves the Church and vice versa. In the popular love stories in literature most (not all) but most are about finding and falling in love. I know this is one of my favorite parts of my own love story. Sometimes I miss the butterflies in my stomach at the mention of Adam's name. The delight at his smile and touch. The rearrangement of my walk to class hoping to catch him on the concourse. The sitting in the student union hoping he'd take a break to eat lunch there. I miss the exhilaration of our first kiss,the first time he told me he loved me, the image of him on his knees with the ring in his hand, him standing at the end of the aisle. I am not saying I don't adore and cherish the level of deep love we now enjoy, complete trust and unwavering commitment no matter what life throws at us. But I do like to revisit the passion and intensity of our early relationship. And I believe that we are hardwired this way. That's why I can't put Bella and Edward down and love to watch romantic comedies over and over. Because I crave passionate love. Because Christ wants me to love him this way. He loves me even more than the intensity and passion in my favorite books. His love is self sacrificing and perfect. And he wants me to be obsessed with him. He wants me to think about him all day. He wants me to be so passionately in love with Him it makes me sing from the joy it brings. Not just once in a while but all the time. He wants me to spread the joy his love brings me to everyone I meet. He wants me to make decisions and react according to that love. He wants me to crave spending time with him and to miss Him when I don't. And the best part, he never leaves or fails. Even if I do. The love story that he has planned between me and him is better than any author could ever dream up! I hope that I continue to fall deeper and deeper in love with my Savior. I hope that one day my children look at my love story with Christ and are inspired by it. And that my marriage to their father reflects that love. So now I am going to show my husband that I am crazy in love with him by making dinner and picking up the house.

1 comment:

Shea said...

So well put - as always! Hope y'all are doing well!