Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Translation Please

Noah has his own language he speaks. He gets way excited and flips around crazy and just starts babbling. If anyone can understand what he is saying, a translation would be helpful!


Anonymous said...

I definately heard him say "Here you go, Dad!"
I don't remember when I have laughed so hard. Thanks for another "Noah fix!"

lindseykennedy said...

Oh, I know exactly what he is dont? Geez. I'm pretty sure "WAARRR EAGLE" was what he said in one part.

Kerri said...

Actually he said that he was really excited that Olivia will be here in two months for him to play with. I heard him.

Jana said...

wow, look at all these people who think they can understand baby babble!! i'm impressed!! me? well, i won't even attempt it . . . i would rather wait for the expert to come and translate for you (he's napping right now). :) i'll let you know his interpretation when he gets up!