Many of you know my mom. And even if you don't you know her photography. It is all over this blog! (I've included some of my favorite photos she has taken of Noah above. The beach pictures are hers as well. Well about 60% of the pictures on here are hers! ) My mom is an amazing woman of God. She has modeled His love for me my entire life. I owe so much to her example and wisdom. I have her to thank for my patience, tolerance, and love for other people. She taught me to love others not with my own love but with God's love. She has modeled forgiveness, mercy and grace. Her devotion to His Word and prayer have dug me out of holes, saved me, and brought me hope. Well she has started a new project. Many people love her photos and would love to hire her to take family shots for Christmas cards and such. She enjoys these family shoots. Lately she has developed a passion for Integrity Worldwide. It is an international aid organization that provides relief for those living in poverty. This is a great organization who focuses on Christ's instructions to love and serve others. While reading the parable about buried talents she came to the realization that she should use her talent to serve others. She has created In His Light Photography to use her talent and love for photography to raise support for Integrity Worldwide. She will take family photos and give the family a CD of the digital images in exchange for a donation made through her to Integrity Worldwide. I love the idea and her heart behind it! I encourage you to visit her blog, www.inhislightphotography.blogspot.com to read more about her story and learn more about Integrity Worldwide!!
What a huge heart your Mom has! She has incredible talent and I think it's amazing that she's willing to donate her hard work to such a great organization. I will definitely be talking to Clark about traveling to Bham for a session! How does she feel about two 2 year olds at once? :)
Please let Lindsey know that I am willing to try anything! We will at least have FUN!
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