Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Fourth

We have been out of touch from the world for a week! We had so much fun at the beach but we didn't have Internet or cell service! And believe it or not I didn't watch much TV! So if anything major in the world happened last week please tell me about it! I have a lot of things to post about the beach but I didn't want to leave out our Fourth of July celebration. Noah and I left Adam behind at work and joined MiMi, Papa, Nana,Puddin, Aunt Jenny and Michael in Homewood for the block party. They closed down the main street and had vendors, inflatable games and rides. It was fun. I ran into lots of old classmates from both Homewood and Auburn. Then at nine we had the perfect view of "Thunder on the Mountain", Birmingham's fireworks. (Which seemed shorter this year) I was so nervous that Noah would cry, he's at a stage where loud noises startle him and he wails and wails. (It is a stage right?) But he loved it. He sat in my lap and just stared. It was so amazing to witness his wonderment. I look forward to seeing him discover more and more! The next morning we headed to the beach with MiMi and Papa!

Noah and his cousin Michael.

Noah and MiMi. Pictures of MiMi are rare as she is usually behind the camera!

Noah and Nana, who is always good for a bottle no matter if its a football stadium, restaurant, or in this case a parking lot!

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