My friend Beth commented on my last entry which brought up an issue I have been thinking a lot about lately that I wanted to hear more about from others. I want to start out this post by saying I hope not to offend anyone by my statements. I am just trying to see different sides of an issue to help my own decision making process. I am leaning one way but I am willing to see if people can sway me.
The important issue is the BPA bottles. I do not breastfeed. Since Noah was in the NICU the first week of life we never could really get the breastfeeding to satisfy or nourish him in the way he needed so after a few weeks he went to formula (which he had always supplemented with anyway.) So Noah has used Dr. Brown's bottles since he was two weeks old. When we first heard reports about concerns over BPA Adam did some research and came to the conclusion that we were not heating the bottles (by not boiling or microwaving) to the point that the chemicals would be harmful. I have researched and despite many rumors there is not actually a recall here in the U.S. for any BPA related issues. (Though I have found that Babies R Us will take back bottles in exchange for BPA free bottles) In fact the FDA has concluded from several studies that the level of exposure is minimal and poses no risk that the can tell at this time. I have also consulted my dad who is a doctor(in environmental and occupational medicine which covers chemical exposures) and a protective grandfather on his thoughts. He has done some reading and does not think that Noah is in danger. But it continues to be brought up again and again. There are a lot of "probably does not" and "at this time" that as a parent I have to comfortable with. So if you have already made a decision about what to do with the bottle issue please share! Also if there was any reading that you did, esp. research based articles could you link them in your comments? I am interested in seeing others thoughts and opinions. I want to be comfortable with my decision and know what information helped others to make their decision. I hope to make a decision based on more information than public pressure.
I'm kind of leaning the way you are, but I'm interested to know what others say...
how funny that we've not really talked about this, but i've come to the same conclusions you have - i've read several articles and found nothing that has convinced me that using the bottles (never having heated them to high extremes) is dangerous. so, since i already had several bottles (and actually love them - i use the playtex ones . . . can't remember the style, but you know what i'm talking about) ;) and didn't have a ton of money to just throw them out and buy all new ones, i've kept them and still use them. although, the next bottles i bought i got gerber ones b/c i knew they were ok (and they were cheap!). i guess if i had others caring for micah and i was certain that the bottles were never being heated to high temps, it might concern me more . . .
I have started buying the born free sippy cups suggested to me by my friend Shea, and probably any future bottles I buy will be BPA free but everything I've run across has said it probably is okay if you don't heat them up. Noah takes his room temp so we never heat them and Dad said that the dishwasher doesn't reach a high enough temp to be bad but he also said if I was uncomfortable I should get new bottles, i just want to hear more evidence both ways so I can be "comfortable" you know?
Carrie... I am glad you have a lot of info on this. Like you said, I am sure you are probably fine. I honestly don't know much on the subject b/c I BF and I use the drop in liner bottles when Anderson does get a bottle. My thing is the dishwasher... glad your dad said it should be okay! I have not thown away sippy cups but when I buy new one's I get the safe sippy cups. If you find any more articals on this pass them on to me...
I am so lost. what is going on?
There is some concern that plastic baby bottle can leak harmful chemicals into milk. So a lot of people are choosing to replace all their bottles with BPA free bottles. I haven't made up my mind and wanted to hear from everyone as to what helped them make their decision whatever it was.
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