Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Happy Moments

On Sundays Adam works the weekend editor shift for the paper. He goes in around 2 and comes home around 11. When he first started this a year or so ago I liked it. It was summer and I enjoyed his time off on Friday. Our weekends together were extended. Then school started back and then we had a baby and my attitude towards the Sunday Editor changed. Our weekends together were shortened. But there is an upside to everything. After Noah goes down on Sundays and the house has been picked up and things ready to go for the coming week I have three hours completely to myself with no demands to what to do with them. Work is done. No one is around. Nothing is on TV. Its just me and Charlie. This past Sunday night I enjoyed a true Julia Roberts/Pretty Woman moment. Well not the pretty or being paid for you know.... but the total abandonment and relaxation that a woman gets from a good bubble bath and music. I took my glass of wine, and iPod and sank into my big bathtub and sang to Leonna Lewis "Bleeding Love" as loud as I wanted to my hearts content. It made me feel really happy. I know that is silly but it did. It relieved the weeks stress in just a few verses. Then I thought about how I feel when a toy or Charlie or a cloud or a funny face makes Noah laugh and full of joy. And I thought how happy it makes me. And then I thought how happy it makes God when his children find joy and happiness in simple things like singing in a bathtub, an unexpected comment on a post, pictures of friends new children, a phone call or card from an old friend, making a stranger smile, a verse of scripture or the beauty of his creation. And then I started thinking about how much more joy he must get from his children making each other happy. And it reminded me of the old phrase "Practice daily random acts of kindness". I wish I did that more. Sometimes I get too busy just trying to get through the day that I forget my purpose to love others and bring glory to God. And sometimes I'm too busy to experience the happy moments I am presented with. So I hope that everyone who reads this experiences joy today whether it be from a song, beauty around you, kindness of a stranger, a bubble bath, an unexpected kiss, a big hug, time to watch your favorite show, a deep and meaningful conversation, a baby's smile and laugh or a green light on your way home. And then I hope you pass that joy or happiness to others around you!


Laura Mielke said...

Carrie, I love the way you think. First of all, I picture LJM laughing outloud at the thought of you singing Bleeding Love at the top of your lungs in the bubble bath!!! Second of all, I too have learned SO much to appreciate the "goodness" of life in the small things. Having my babies and being forced to slow down has made me appreciate and crave the quiet times... a girl can get used to not working!!! Actually, mornings with a cup of coffee, when our dog Ali and Nick are stretched out beside each other and still sleeping is when I grab the lap top and read/write blogs and is one of the many times I feel this appreciation and closeness with God. Good post.

Anonymous said...

Carrie, Thanks for a WHOLE WEEKEND of delightful moments shared with you, Adam, Noah and Charlie! I went to church this morning with a heart full of delight and thanksgiving to offer back to the heart of God...the GIVER of all good gifts. What fun it was for me just now to read your blog entry about realizing the gift of joy in the moment and know that we are BOTH giving thanks for bubble baths and baby kisses and so,so much more!
much love,

Anonymous said...

I think "green light on the way home" was a good piece of insight. It is strange how sailing through an intersection makes things all better.