Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Six Month Birthday

Birthdays were always a big deal at our house growing up. I think they are a day to make a person feel special, to bless them in a special way and to celebrate what they mean to you. My mom always made a big deal out of birthdays. So much so that in college my roomate Allison and I would celebrate our birthmonth. So I am continuing that tradition with Noah. A great thing about being a baby is you have so many milestones to celebrate. You have a birthday every month! I felt that six months was a big deal so I wanted to make Noah's six month birthday special. So I made him and Micah who was visiting and also turned six months cupcakes. I lit candles and sang. But don't worry we ate the cupcakes not the babies! To celebrate Noah's six months I thought I would pick six words that describe them. A totally teacherish thing to do!

1. CHALLENGE - being a parent is a challenge, Noah has had many challenges with all the sickness to overcome, being a working mom is a challenge, balancing everything is a challenge

2. JOY- Noah brings joy, I never knew such joy until I saw his little face and then his first smile

3. NEW- Noah is always doing something new, sometimes it seems like something new is always wrong, there are always new things to learn about being a mom

4. LOVE- Noah is a breathing living result of our love for each other, I just plain love him, he made me fall even more in love with Adam, with God, with my parents

5. FAITH- a requirement, deeper understanding of what faith is, a desire to teach him faith, wanting to provide an example of faith

6. DEPENDENCE- humbling to have him depend on me, me being dependent on Adam, I really couldn't do this without him, a total dependence on God for strength and patience and joy!

I also decided to commemorate Noah's six months by interviewing him. He didn't have much to say :)


Laura said...

PRECIOUS! i just laughed out loud! love you

Beth Goff said...

Happy 6 months!!! That video was so cute.

Emily Chappell said...

Imagine you throwing a six-month birthday party!!! Love you!

Robin said...

Love the video!! Such a cute idea. Miss all of you so much!