Monday, February 25, 2008

The Flu: Round Two

Well, thanks to daycare, again, Noah has the flu. This time it does not include the stomach but fever, cough, body aches, and a terrible rash. He is so pitiful. Noah is such a happy baby, he never just cries to cry. So we know he must be miserable when he only smiled at me twice today and has fussed in my arms for two hours. I never knew I could feel so helpless. I can't do anything to fix it and worse is I can't take off to take care of him! I just want to hold him and comfort him. Adam has to take the week off, again. Which means he won't be able to come to the beach with my family in July. It is really hard to find what it is God is trying to teach me through this. I know God doesn't punish but He does discipline. What is it God? I am missing it. And I think if I could be at home with him. He wouldn't catch every strain of the flu that comes through Tuscaloosa. Unless God blesses us wit another suprise, I will do my best to make sure to have a Spring baby! Pray for us to stay healthy, we can't afford to catch his virus again. I am off to bed and to ingest as much Vitamin C as possible!


Beth Goff said...

Sweet Carrie I am so sorry!!! I know this must be so hard! Just know that God does love and care for you and as hard as it is cast all your cares upon Him! Just think in another month or so you won't have to worry about this and you will get the summer off!!!! What a blessing that will be!! I pray that God will give you encouragement and strength! Don't feel bad for questioning God because there are SO many times when I wonder why on earth God sent us to California when everyone I love and miss is in the South.
I would give you a big hug if I could... if it helps I am home with my kids and they still get sick just from the church nursery. Karoline has been sick 3 time this year and Anderson twice. I think it is just all over the place and there is no hiding from it unfortunately! Get some rest and I'll pray for you!

Carrie said...

Thank you so much Beth for your sweet encouragement! It really meant a lot to me when I read it. I have received a lot of encouragement today in unexpected places, God is good. This will all work out!